Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Greasemonkey 0.8.4 released

Hot on the heels of 0.8.3 is a single critical bugfix in 0.8.4:
  • Properly specify the .finalUrl for GM_xmlhttpRequest results. (#1063)


  1. when using it for youtube, it's not connecting to the download site. help?

  2. Help! After having installed the latest version GM doesn't work anymore .....

  3. Plz help my GM still not working-.-''

  4. My Gmail not work too. Just hang and i can't do anything (see mail, checkbox not work)

  5. Are you working on it??? - I have now uninstalled GM cause it doesn't work in this version. I allways get the message: "Pls. restart FireFox to complete the installation" - I've restarted it 10 times!!!

  6. itan Hunting
    Posted: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 16:00:41 +0000

    It has come to our attention, that some players have been using a Firefox add-on to assist Titan hunting.

    Players using a Quick Tab add-on in this fashion, is considered automation, this is an illegal method in game. Anything that gives you an advantage over other players, is a terminatable offence.

    Any player or Guild found using an add-on to assit them in hunting Titans shall be terminated without notice.

    Thank you, hope you all have a great weekend :)

    ~ The Fallen Sword Team
    is there gonna be a fix for this?

  7. Firefox 3.5.6 released tonight, GM broken

  8. Hello,
    in miy code I had something like this,

    unsafeWindow.saveOptions = function() {

    var minf = document.getElementById('minfair').value;
    window.setTimeout(GM_setValue, 10,'ff_minfair',minf);
    alert("Options saved");

    The problem is that now the GM_setValue is not working any more. It workde before the update, it is not working after it. And whenever I try to save something in GM_setValue via window.setTimeout, value is not saved.


  9. I just did a reinstall of firefox (ver 3.5.6) and attempted to install the latest version of greasmonkey. Although greasmonkey installed and firefox restarted, greasmonkey is not appearing in my tools menu.

    It appears that although greasemonke 0.8.4 was released, the version available for download is still 0.8.20091209.4.

  10. GM, last version not work. Any solution?

  11. when do u expect to have it out for 3.7a1pre

  12. When do you expect this to be out for 3.7a1pre
