- Add a hidden preference to allow greasing the unmht: scheme. (#1038)
- Allow relative URLs to be used for GM_xmlhttpRequest(), just like standard XMLHttpRequest. (#1057)
- Performance enhancements and code improvements to internal logic behind @include and @exclude rules. (#1070 #1074 #1089)
- Added translations: ca-ES, cs, fr, nl, sr-RS, vi.
- GM_xmlhttpRequest() can fail when Object.prototype has been modified. (#1065)
- Two warnings upon making new script via "New User Script". (#1069)
- Installing scripts from the hard drive (instead of via the web) can fail. (#1077)
- Fix a flaw that could allow websites to prevent Greasemonkey from running. (#1082)
- Error "this.menuCommanders is undefined" bug when closing a browser window. (#1087)
- Error "ScriptDownloader is not defined" when performing view source on a user script. (#1091)