Thursday, May 26, 2011

Greasemonkey 0.9.5 Release

Primarily because a serious issue was found in the not-yet-reviewed 0.9.4, version 0.9.5 has been hurried out.

Bug fixes:
  • Installing and uninstalling the same script many times does not work properly. (#1353)
  • GM_xmlhttpRequest() does not work in Firefox 5 betas. (#1354)
  • (Introduced in 0.9.4:) Cannot enable nor disable scripts. (#1355)
  • Installing the first user script while the user scripts pane of the add-ons manager is open leaves the "no user scripts" warning. (#1356)
  • The installation dialog shows the script version, if provided with @version. (#1349)
The entire list of bugs handled in this release is also available via the 0.9.5 milestone on GitHub. Note that as always it takes some time for Mozilla to review the new version, and it's available on the all versions page. If you are using it and notice problems, it's best to either let us know at greasemonkey-dev or log an issue (and be clear that it's with this version).


  1. Works with Firefox 7.0a1, but doesn't show the console in Add-ons Manager or when clicking Manage User Scripts.

  2. Most of my scripts do not work on Firefox 7.0. Could you please fix the addon.

  3. how do i get 0.9.5 as i cannot find it anywhere?

  4. stuart:

  5. It keeps redirecting to version 0.9.3 :(


    you find the not yet reviewed version of .0.9.5 here. if doesnt work scroll up to above story and find link to all versions.

  7. GM_openInTab is now returning "browser.tabs is undefined" in Firefox 3.6. Had to revert to 0.9.3.

  8. Thanks for a great add-on!

    firefox 7 nightly + gm 0.9.5
    same problem manage user scripts and add-on manager not working.

  9. "GM_openInTab is now returning "browser.tabs is undefined" in Firefox 3.6. Had to revert to 0.9.3."

    Same for me (Firefox 3.6.17 / Ubuntu 10.04 LTS).

  10. Any chance of us using SeaMonkey ever seeing Greasemonkey again? 2.1 update knocked it right out.
