Monday, August 22, 2011

Greasemonkey 0.9.10 Release

The entire list of bugs handled in this release is also available via the 0.9.10 milestone on GitHub. Note that as always it takes some time for Mozilla to review the new version, but it's available on the all versions page immediately.

If you are using it and notice problems, it's best to either let us know at greasemonkey-dev or log an issue (and be clear that it's with this version).

Bug fixes:
  • You will be prompted to pick a new editor if the existing setting is an invalid path. (#1386)
  • Changing views within the Add-ons Manager could cause the user script sort order to be wrong. (#1394)
  • When a script causes an unhandled error, the display in the Error Console will be a bit easier to read. (#1396)
  • When Growl is not installed, Greasemonkey's notifications are less obtrusive. (#1397)
  • A range of internal code clean ups. (#1395, #1398, #1399, #1400, #1401)


  1. Hi! There's some bug with Greasemonkey and TabMixPlus. I've got an update of Greasemonkey today and middle click stopped working in all web pages.
    When one of this addons is turned off, middle click is working fine.

  2. I have the same bug as Alexey.

  3. Same here. Turn either Greasemonkey or TMP off, and it works, have them both and it's broken...
