Friday, August 05, 2011

Greasemonkey Usage by Firefox Version, August 2011

I'm revisiting the Greasemonkey usage topic. A short while back, we decided to drop support for Firefox 3.0 from new versions of Greasemonkey, somewhat based on the similar work I did back then. But I realize that last graph wasn't very well done, it didn't reveal the 3.x usage clearly. So here's an interactive trend graph that makes it much more obvious:

(Access the raw data and a larger graph at Google Docs.)

It turns out that Firefox 3.5 is even less used than 3.0, both well under 5%. On the other hand, as mentioned, 3.6 is still 25% of usage. It may well mean that we drop 3.5 support and take advantage of some of the behind-the-scenes things available only in 3.6 and higher very soon.

P.S. There's also some graphs, by major version, and minor version within 0.9, of Greasemonkey usage.

Nerd alert: To make this graph, I started with the AMO statistics, and passed it through a python script to clean up and combine the (patch level) versions. By hand, I rearranged the data into a 7-day moving average for the versions I was interested in: 3.0 and higher.


  1. PLEASE, make a Firefox version 8 compatible Greasemonkey!

  2. it's all greek to me.

  3. I would have stayed with Firefox 3.0, but first Pogo (which I didn't care much about) then MySpace REQUIRED that I upgrade in order to even sign in, so I had to bite-the-bullet and upgrade. So now I'm using Firefox 3.6 and I'll stay there until I'm required to upgrade by several sites I just don't want to do without. :) Thank you for creating Greasemonkey.

  4. GreaseMonkey 0.9.8 does NOT work in Firefox 3.5. Existing user scripts are not loaded at all.

  5. @08:10

    Yep :(

    Me too, does't work and i have this when i want install viewtube for exemple:

    Script could not be installed TypeError: this._initScriptDir is not a function

    Debian Squeeze

  6. also dont compatible with 3.6.18....

  7. Where's the legend? Which version is which color?

  8. Isn't there any mecanism to prevent users using old Firefox to automatically update to the new (uncompatible) version?

    I'm using Firefox 3.5 (Iceweasel) on Debian Lenny (cannot upgrade to Squeeze now -- some issues remais to be solved) and I was surprised that after an automatic update GM stopped to work completely ("this._initScriptDir is not a function").

    Not nice.

  9. I don't know if you read the comments all that often but I would like to humbly request a mobile version of the add-on. It would really be sooo great to be able to use userscripts in Firefox on one's phone etc. ^_^
    Anyway, thanks for a GREAT add-on!

  10. why can not I run the scrip of gr

  11. Huh? Why would anyone still be using FF 3? We're up to v7 now.
