Friday, February 10, 2012

Greasemonkey 0.9.16 Release

The entire list of bugs handled in this release is also available via the 0.9.16 milestone on GitHub. Note that as always it takes some time for Mozilla to review the new version, but it's available on the all versions page immediately.

If you are using it and notice problems, it's best to log an issue or let us know at greasemonkey-dev (and be clear that it's with this version).

  • Expose information (including Greasemonkey version) to user scripts via GM_info. (#1452; also see #1512)
  • Track the install time of scripts.  (This is designed to better support automatic updates for scripts ... still coming soon.)  (#1513)
Bug fixes:
  • Editing script from the "New User Script" feature, to change any remote dependency (@icon, @require, @resource), could the script to malfunction. (#1504)
  • Enabling/disabling scripts from the status bar menu (Firefox 3 only). (#1506)
  • Incompatibility with GreaseFire.  (#1507)
  • Failures during "Check for Updates" from the Add-on manager. (#1509)

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