Thursday, August 09, 2012

Beta: Greasemonkey Release 1.0beta7

The entire list of bugs handled (and some still pending) in this release is also available via the 1.0 milestone on GitHub. This is only a beta release so you'll need to head to the all versions page to find it.

After more than seven years, Greasemonkey is finally graduating to version 1.0!  We're taking the major version number bump as an opportunity to reconsider some big ideas.  As of right now we believe there are appropriate detections and modes to make everything continue to work as always, but we're laying the groundwork to really break backwards compatibility, perhaps in a 1.1 release.

Keep an eye on this blog for posts dedicated to more detail on these topics.  For now each is briefly mentioned in the changelog below.

We desperately want feedback on this beta release, especially from script authors.  If you are using it and notice problems of any kind or have any other feedback for us, it's best to log an issue at GitHub or mail us at greasemonkey-dev (and be clear that which version is under discussion).

Enhancements since Greasemonkey 0.9.x:
  • New metadata, @grant, specifies which special APIs a user script will have access to.  Specifying @grant none means no special API access, and thus no security restrictions.  Then, everything you're used to doing in JavaScript in a web page (including but not limited to jQuery) should just work.  For legacy scripts (which have no @grant line at all), Greasemonkey will try to guess what @grant lines you should have.  See for more detail. (#1425, #1427, #1558)
  • The metadata @unwrap has been removed, as being unwrapped is now the default.  The wrapper will still be applied to scripts that have a "return" statement outside of any function, but this may be removed in the future, so make sure your scripts (and requires) don't do this; authors may manually add an anonymous function wrapper around the script for the exact same behavior. (#1568, #1592)
  • Require at least Firefox 14.0 (no more Firefox 3 compatibility).  (#1426)
  • Scripts that @run-at document-start have a valid document object to modify, E.G. for adding style tags; but still before any part of the document is loaded. (#1565)
  • GM_xmlhttpRequest() accepts a timeout option.  (#1561)
  • GM_getResourceURL() works with a special protocol handler.  (This is more efficient/faster than the data: URI encoding used previously.)  For example, specify images and styles with URLs to your @resources.
  • The standard Firefox web developer console works for console.log() et al.  (#1564)
  • Error reporting is much more consistent and obvious than in the past. (#1404, #1592)
Bug fixes since Greasemonkey 0.9.x:
  • Scripts with missing or broken "==UserScript==" metadata will work.  (#1562)
  • The alert() workaround (see is not applied for Firefox versions that do not exhibit this bug.  (#1318, #1350)
  • When downloading a script not encoded in UTF-8, display an error message to the user (rather than just failing). (#1588)
  • The "show script" button in the install dialog is disabled until the download of the script file is complete. (#1586)


  1. I think your blog post is still beta, too ;)

    > "Scripts that @run-at document-start have a valid document object to modify, E.G. for adding *snip*"

    ... for adding what?

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. Blogger bug! Don't try to type "style" with angle brackets around it (like an HTML tag) in your post -- it won't escape it properly!
