Feature enhancements:
- The GM_openInTab() API officially supports an open_in_background argument, and always respects user configuration when not specified. (#2105, #2106, #2107)
- The GM_xmlhttpRequest() API is now compatible with responseType: 'arraybuffer'. (#2045)
- Script updates always check the server, never using the browser cache. (#1878)
- Now @match rules can be customized in script settings. (#1703)
- More consistently send cookies with GM_xmlhttpRequest(). (#2181)
- Calling abort() on the result of GM_xmlhttpRequest() should no longer cause errors. (#2154)
- Fix GM_registerMenuCommand() for @run-at document-start scripts. (#2139)
- Restore operation of the GM_info.version property. (#2132)
- The GM_xmlhttpRequest() API will no longer leak cookies from the regular session, when operating in a Private Browsing session. (#2050)
- Checking for add-on updates will enforce a server timeout, so it does not potentially hang forever. (#2029)
- Repair navigation to HTML pages whose URL happens to end in .user.js. (#1998)