The entire list of bugs handled in this release is also available via the
3.6 milestone
on GitHub. Note that as always it takes some time for Mozilla to
review the new version. If you're interested in staying on the bleeding
edge, try installing the
development channel beta release. If you are using this version and notice problems, it's best to
log an issue or let us know at
greasemonkey-dev (and be clear that it's with this version).
Feature enhancements:
- Better support for scripts with a very large number of @include/@exclude/@match rules. (#2318)
- Display a notification to the user when there is a problem parsing an edited script. (#2319)
- In GM_info the serving URL for an @resource is listed. (#2281)
- Added support for @run-at document-idle. (#2109)
Fixed bugs:
- Repair compatibility of @resource files and certain serving contexts for recent versions of Firefox. (#2326)
- Correctly refresh files when changing (e.g.) @require lines in a script. (#2311)
- Repaired binary behavior of GM_xmlhttpRequest. (#2265)